Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Solr Search Index setup for new languages in WCS v7

1.     Add the new supported language in the STORELANG database table for Extended Site Catalog Asset Store (storeId=10051).

2.    Perform the following steps for the following files:
2.1.   Create a folder for your locale. For example, nl_NL indicates a Dutch language locale for Netherlands.
2.2.  Create the necessary files for your new locale directory.
a.    If language is already included in the existing locale files, copy the files from the original locale directory. For example, fr_FR, to the new directory, fr_NL.
b.    If language is not included in the existing locale files, use the file names and structure from another locale as a sample for its supported structure and organization for example en_GB.
2.3.  Optional: If there are any stop words for the language, create a file, stopwords.txt under the new directory for the schema.xml file. Save your changes and close the file.
2.4.  Copy the schema.xml file under new locale directory created in above step 2.2  file from Search project in SVN repository trunk
CatalogEntry Path: Search/solr/home/MC_10001/en_GB/CatalogEntry/conf/schema.xml
CatalogGroup Path:
Search/solr/home/MC_10001/en_GB /CatalogGroup/conf/schema.xml

3.    Update the following files for customizations if any for a specific project. Latest customized copy of these files can be found in the solrhome (WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/search/solr/home) for each core (e.g.
Search/solr/home/MC_10001/en_GB/CatalogEntry/conf/ wc-data-config.xml)
WC_installdir/components/foundation/subcomponents/search/solr/home/template/CatalogEntry/unstructured/conf/ database/db2/wc-data-config.xml
WC_installdir/components/foundation/subcomponents/search/solr/home/template/CataloGroup/conf/ database/db2/wc-data-config.xml

4.    Update the following files for customizations if any for a specific project.
Directory: WC_installdir/components/foundation/samples/dataimport/catalog/db2
Files:   wc-dataimport-preprocess-attribute.xml
Latest customized copy of these files can be found in the solr pre-processConfig directory WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/search/ pre-processConfig)
WC_installdir/components/foundation/subcomponents/search/solr/home/template/CatalogEntry/unstructured/conf/ database/db2/wc-data-config.xml
WC_installdir/components/foundation/subcomponents/search/solr/home/template/CataloGroup/conf/ database/db2/wc-data-config.xml

5.    Run the setupSearchIndex utility asper the process provided in HCL commerce documentation
For Local Dev environments need to run below script:
setupSearchIndex.bat  -masterCatalogId 10001 –setupWebContent false
This script will also update database tables SRCHCONFEXT and SRCHCONF
6.    solr.xml config file will be updated with new locale cores once setupSearchIndex utility executes successfully.
File Location: solrhome (WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/search/solr/home)/MC_10001/solr.xml
7.    wc-search.xml config file will be updated with new locale cores once setupSearchIndex utility executes successfully.
File Location: WC/xml/config/ com.ibm.commerce.catalog-ext/wc-search.xml

8.    Once everything is done we need to run the solr pre-process and build-index scripts for new locales.

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