- CMN2007E
- Explanation: This message is issued by the default implementations of inventory related task commands (such as CheckInventoryCmdImpl, UpdateInventoryCmdImpl, and CheckInventoryAvailabilityCmdImpl) when there is insufficient inventory for the quantity of a product required to fulfill an Order.\n\nWhen STORE.ALLOCATIONGOODFOR is zero, the CheckInventoryCmdImpl and UpdateInventoryCmdImpl default task command implementations check the INVENTORY table. Otherwise, the CheckInventoryAvailabilityCmdImpl default task command implementation checks the RECEIPT and ITEMFFMCTR tables.
Sunday, 6 November 2011
ERROR Message: CMN2007E: There is insufficient inventory to purchase 1 units of the product for catalog entry
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Troubleshooting: A file does not exist for a module elemhttp://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=5097596999502679730ent that has a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
When you start the WebSphere Commerce Test Server, you receive an error that states that a file does not exist.
When starting the WebSphere Test Server after enabling the Management Center feature, a file does not exist error is displayed in the startup logs. For example,
ApplicationMg E WSVR0100W: An error occurred initializing, WC org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.exception.NoModuleFileException: A file does not exist for module element having uri: WebservicesRouter.war
To resolve this issue, you need to rebuild the WebServicesRouter project and republish the test server, as follows:
1. Close the toolkit i.e. RAD.
2. copy the WebServicesRouter project from C:\WCToolkit\wc.modules\workspace to C:\WCToolkit\workspace i.e. to you RAD work space.
3. Open RAD start test server and Add/Remove WC project from commerce test server.
Also check C:\WCToolkitworkspace\WC\.settings\org.eclipse.wst.common.component file for dependent-module mapping i.e. for WebservicesRouter mapping in it.
It might be possible that WebservicesRouter is got corrupted in that case we right click on WebservicesRouter project in RAD and select Restore from Local History options.
- Open your WebSphere Commerce Developer workspace.
- Right-click the WebServicesRouter project and rebuild it.
- Add/Remove the WC project from Test Server.
1. Close the toolkit i.e. RAD.
2. copy the WebServicesRouter project from C:\WCToolkit\wc.modules\workspace to C:\WCToolkit\workspace i.e. to you RAD work space.
3. Open RAD start test server and Add/Remove WC project from commerce test server.
Also check C:\WCToolkitworkspace\WC\.settings\org.eclipse.wst.common.component file for dependent-module mapping i.e. for WebservicesRouter mapping in it.
It might be possible that WebservicesRouter is got corrupted in that case we right click on WebservicesRouter project in RAD and select Restore from Local History options.
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Enabling the attribute dictionary
If you are using an external catalog and loading your data into WebSphere Commerce, you can save time by using the attribute dictionary to load in attributes for your products, instead of creating new attributes for each product in the Management Center. The Catalogs tool only displays shared attributes meaning, you cannot update or add new attributes to the dictionary.
Before you beginDecide if you want to use the attribute dictionary only, or use the attribute dictionary and classic attribute functionality concurrently. Classic attribute functionality includes those attributes not in the attribute dictionary, where each product has it's own attributes.
To enable the attribute dictionary and classic attribute functionality concurrently, switch the implementation of ResolveSkuCmd to ResolveSkuAllCmdImpl in CMDREG table:
Open a database command window.
Run the following SQL command: update cmdreg set classname='com.ibm.commerce.catalog.commands.ResolveSkuAllCmdImpl' where interfacename ='com.ibm.commerce.catalog.commands.ResolveSkuCmd';
To enable the attribute dictionary only, switch the implementation of ResolveSkuCmd to ResolveSkuNewCmdImpl in the CMDREG table:
Open a database command window.
Run the following SQL command: update cmdreg set classname='com.ibm.commerce.catalog.commands.ResolveSkuNewCmdImpl' where interfacename ='com.ibm.commerce.catalog.commands.ResolveSkuCmd';
Customize the Catalogs tool to hide the local attribute table to prevent users from using the table to create a new attribute in the legacy table.
Note: To change the ResolveSkuCmd implementation for one store, you create a new row in the CMDREG table with the STOREENT_ID set to the store ID. If you set the STOREENT_ID to "0", the command applies to all the stores.
Ref: Infocenter : http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wchelp/v6r0m0/topic/com.ibm.commerce.management-center.doc/tasks/tpnenattrdic.htm
Handling a limited length redirect URL
Handling a limited length redirect URL By default, all input parameters to the controller command are propagated to the redirect view command. If there is a limit on the number of characters in the redirect URL, this may cause a problem. An example of when the length may be limited is if the client is using the Internet Explorer browser. For this browser, the URL cannot exceed 2083 bytes. If the URL does exceed this limit,
the URL gets truncated. As such, you can encounter a problem if there are a large number of input parameters, or if you are using encryption, because an encrypted string is typically two to three times longer than a string that is not encrypted. There arethe URL gets truncated. As such, you can encounter a problem if there are a large number of input parameters, or if you are using encryption, because an encrypted string is typically two to three times longer than a string that is not encrypted. There are two approaches for handling a limited length redirect URL:
1. Override the getViewInputProperties method in the controller command to return only the sets of parameters that are required to be passed to the redirect view command.
2. Use a specified special character in the URL parameters to indicate which parameters can be removed from the input parameter string.To demonstrate each of the preceding approaches, consider the following set of input parameters to the controller command: URL="MyView";
// All of the following are inputs to the original controller command.
If you are overriding the getViewInputProperties method, the new method can be written so that only the following parameters are passed to the view command: ir2="ipr2"; is="isv"; Using the second approach, the view command can be invoked using special parameters to indicate that certain input parameters should be removed. For example, you can achieve the same result by specifying the following as the URL parameter: URL="MyView?ip*=&iq*=&ir1=" This URL parameter instructs the WebSphere Commerce run-time framework of the following:
The ip*= specification means that all parameters whose names start with ip should be removed.
The iq*= specification means that all parameters whose names start with iq should be removed.
The ir1= specification means that the ir1 parameter should be removed.
Creating System Generated primary keys in WCS Entity Beans
Creating primary keys: The ejbCreate method is used to instantiate new instances of an entity bean. This method is automatically generated but the generated method only includes logic to initialize primary keys to a static value. You may need to ensure that the primary key is a new, unique value. In this case, you may have an ejbCreate method similar to the following code snippet:
public void ejbCreate(int argMyOtherValue) throws javax.ejb.CreateException {
//Initialize CMP fields MyKeyValue = com.ibm.commerce.key.ECKeyManager. singleton().getNextKey("table_name");
MyOtherValue = argMyOtherValue;
In the preceding code snippet, the getNextKey method generates a unique integer for the primary key. The table_name input parameter for the method must be an exact match to the TABLENAME value that is defined in the KEYS table. Be certain to match the characters and case exactly.
In addition to including the preceding code in your ejbCreate method, you must also create an entry in the KEYS table. The following is an example SQL statement to make the entry in the KEYS table: insert into KEYS (TABLENAME, COUNTER, KEYS_ID) values ("table_name", 0, 1) Note that with the preceding SQL statement default values for the other columns in the KEYS table are accepted. The value for COUNTER indicates the value at which the count should start. The value for KEYS_ID should be any positive value. If your primary key is defined as a long data type (BIGINT for DB2 or NUMBER(38, 0) for Oracle), use the getNextKeyAsLong method.
public void ejbCreate(int argMyOtherValue) throws javax.ejb.CreateException {
//Initialize CMP fields MyKeyValue = com.ibm.commerce.key.ECKeyManager. singleton().getNextKey("table_name");
MyOtherValue = argMyOtherValue;
In the preceding code snippet, the getNextKey method generates a unique integer for the primary key. The table_name input parameter for the method must be an exact match to the TABLENAME value that is defined in the KEYS table. Be certain to match the characters and case exactly.
In addition to including the preceding code in your ejbCreate method, you must also create an entry in the KEYS table. The following is an example SQL statement to make the entry in the KEYS table: insert into KEYS (TABLENAME, COUNTER, KEYS_ID) values ("table_name", 0, 1) Note that with the preceding SQL statement default values for the other columns in the KEYS table are accepted. The value for COUNTER indicates the value at which the count should start. The value for KEYS_ID should be any positive value. If your primary key is defined as a long data type (BIGINT for DB2 or NUMBER(38, 0) for Oracle), use the getNextKeyAsLong method.
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
How to change contentType of a jsp page response at run time without using scriplet
write the following lines of code in your jsp
<%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-tiles" prefix="tiles"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
<c:set property="contentType" target="${pageContext.response}" value="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
<%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-tiles" prefix="tiles"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
<c:set property="contentType" target="${pageContext.response}" value="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Disabling cross-site scripting protection for the Management Center
Disabling cross-site scripting protection for the Management Center
When enabled, cross-site scripting protection rejects any user requests that contain attributes (parameters) or strings that are designated as not allowable. You can also exclude commands from cross-site scripting protection by allowing the values of specified attributes for that particular command to contain prohibited strings. Cross-site scripting protection is enabled by default, but you can disable it to match your security needs.
- Open the following file:
- LOBTools.war/WEB-INF/web.xml
- LOBTools/WEB-INF/web.xml
- Search for and remove the following snippet:
<param-name>com.ibm.commerce.security.crosssitescriptingprovider</param-name> <param-value>com.ibm.commerce.foundation.internal.client.security.impl. ClassicCommerceCrossSiteScriptingProviderImpl</param-value>
- Save your changes and close the file.
- Deploy your changes.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Unable to browse store pages when using port 80
Unable to browse store pages when using port 80
When attempting to access the home page for one of the WebSphere Commerce starter stores (for example, ConsumerDirect), an error message displays. An example of the error message follows:
A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ConsumerDirect/index.jsp has not been defined.
The virtual host definitions in the WebSphere Application Server might not be functioning properly.
A simple test to verify this situation is to attempt to access the starter store's home page using port 8000 instead of port 80. For example if ConsumerDirect was published, try to access the store using https://localhost:8000/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ConsumerDirect/index.jsp. If port 8000 was successful then the virtual host definitions will need to be updated.
To change the virtual host definitions:
Start the WebSphere Commerce Test Server using either the Rational Application Developer interface or using the startWCServer.bat script.
Access the WebSphere Application Server's administrative console
Select Environment > Virtual Hosts
Select the default_host entry
From the "additional properties" section select "Host Aliases"
Delete the references to port 80 and 443
Save your change to the master configuration.
Restart the server.
You should now be able to access the starter stores using port 80.
When attempting to access the home page for one of the WebSphere Commerce starter stores (for example, ConsumerDirect), an error message displays. An example of the error message follows:
A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ConsumerDirect/index.jsp has not been defined.
The virtual host definitions in the WebSphere Application Server might not be functioning properly.
A simple test to verify this situation is to attempt to access the starter store's home page using port 8000 instead of port 80. For example if ConsumerDirect was published, try to access the store using https://localhost:8000/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ConsumerDirect/index.jsp. If port 8000 was successful then the virtual host definitions will need to be updated.
To change the virtual host definitions:
Start the WebSphere Commerce Test Server using either the Rational Application Developer interface or using the startWCServer.bat script.
Access the WebSphere Application Server's administrative console
Select Environment > Virtual Hosts
Select the default_host entry
From the "additional properties" section select "Host Aliases"
Delete the references to port 80 and 443
Save your change to the master configuration.
Restart the server.
You should now be able to access the starter stores using port 80.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
how to change the virtual host of a dynamic web project in WC application
Change the virtual host of the Web Service to WC_default_host:
- In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand the MyCompanyMemberServices > WebContent > WEB-INF folder.
- Open the ibm-web-bnd.xml file.
- Change the virtualHostName to " WC_default_host".
- Save and close the file
Difference between buyable & published flag
Indicates whether this catalog entry should be displayed for the language indicated by LANGUAGE_ID:
- 0 Catalog entry should not be displayed
- 1 Catalog entry should be displayed
Troubleshooting: Error when a catalog entry does not have a price
If a catalog entry does not have a price there are exceptions in the log file.
The following exception is in the log files.
6/2/06 13:48:55:750 CEST 3519d5d5 CommerceSrvr E com.ibm.commerce.price.commands.SelectContractPricesCmdImpl handlePriceNotFoundException CMN1011E: Unable to retrieve the price for catEntry 10058, quantity: 1.0, unit of measure: C62, and currency: USD. 6/2/06 13:48:55:766 CEST 3519d5d5 CommerceSrvr A com.ibm.commerce.catalog.beans.ProductDataBean processItemCalculatedContractPrices CMN1519I: WebSphere Commerce status message: "com.ibm.commerce.exception.ECApplicationException".Current exception: Message: null Stack trace: com.ibm.commerce.exception.ECApplicationException at com.ibm.commerce.price.commands.PriceCalculationHelper.handlePriceNotFoundException(PriceCalculationHelper.java:1112) at com.ibm.commerce.price.commands.SelectContractPricesCmdImpl.selectOffer(SelectContractPricesCmdImpl.java:542) at com.ibm.commerce.price.commands.SelectContractPricesCmdImpl.performExecute(SelectContractPricesCmdImpl.java:408) at com.ibm.commerce.command.ECCommandTarget.executeCommand(ECCommandTarget.java:133) at com.ibm.ws.cache.command.CommandCache.executeCommand(CommandCache.java:333) at com.ibm.websphere.command.CacheableCommandImpl.execute(CacheableCommandImpl.java:163) at com.ibm.commerce.command.AbstractECTargetableCommand.execute(AbstractECTargetableCommand.java:180) at com.ibm.commerce.price.commands.GetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl.selectPrices(GetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl.java:1651) at com.ibm.commerce.price.commands.GetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl.performExecute(GetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl.java:807) at com.ibm.commerce.command.ECCommandTarget.executeCommand(ECCommandTarget.java:133) at com.ibm.ws.cache.command.CommandCache.executeCommand(CommandCache.java:333) at com.ibm.websphere.command.CacheableCommandImpl.execute(CacheableCommandImpl.java:163)
In the com.ibm.commerce.price.commands.GetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl class customize the selectPrices(Integer storeId) method by setting the error mode to false when calling the SelectContractPricesCmd. This customization prevents an exception when a catalog entry does not have a price.Some basic information about catalog data model tables
This table holds the relationship between StoreEntities and the Catalogs that they offer.
Column Name Column Type Description
CATALOG_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The reference number of the Catalog.
STOREENT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The reference number of the StoreEntity.
MASTERCATALOG CHAR(1) Specifies a master catalog for the Store. A value of 1 indicates that this Catalog is designated as a master catalog.
LASTUPDATE TIMESTAMP Indicates the last time that this relationship was updated.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
This table relates catalog groups (or categories) to the catalog entries that are inside them. You can also use this table to dictate the navigational flow from catalog groups to catalog entries. Each relationship is also qualified by a Catalog ID.
CATGROUP_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The source catalog group of this relationship.
CATALOG_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The catalog inside of which this relationship is found.
CATENTRY_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The target catalog entry of this relationship.
RULE VARCHAR(254) Reserved for IBM internal use.
SEQUENCE DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The sequence number that determines the display order of the contents of the catalog group.
LASTUPDATE TIMESTAMP Indicates the last time that this relationship was updated.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
This table hold the information related to a catalog group. A catalog group is similar to a generic category that can contain both other catalog groups and also catalog entries.
CATGROUP_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The internal reference number of the catalog group.
MEMBER_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The internal reference number that identifies the owner of the catalog group. Along with IDENTIFIER, these columns are a unique index.
IDENTIFIER VARCHAR(254) The external name that is used to identify the catalog group. Along with MEMBER_ID, these columns are a unique index.
MARKFORDELETE INTEGER NOT NULL Indicates if this catalog group has been marked for deletion:
0 = No.
1 = Yes.
LASTUPDATE TIMESTAMP Indicates the last time that this catalog group was updated.
FIELD1 VARCHAR(254) Customizable.
FIELD2 VARCHAR(254) Customizable.
OID VARCHAR(64) Reserved for IBM internal use.
RANK DOUBLE Reserved for IBM internal use.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
This tables relates catalog groups(or categories) to child catalog group (or child categories). You can use this table to dictate the navigational flow from catalog groups to child catalog groups. Each relationship is also qualified by a Catalog ID.
CATGROUP_ID_PARENT BIGINT NOT NULL The source catalog group of this relationship.
CATGROUP_ID_CHILD BIGINT NOT NULL The target catalog group of this relationship.
CATALOG_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The catalog in which this relationship is found.
RULE VARCHAR(254) Reserved for IBM internal use.
SEQUENCE DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The sequence number that determines the display order of the contents of the catalog group.
LASTUPDATE TIMESTAMP Indicates the last time that this relationship was updated.
CATALOG_ID_LINK BIGINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
This table holds the relationship between StoreEntities and the CatalogGroups that they can display and process.
Column Name Column Type Description
STOREENT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The reference number of the Store Entity.
CATGROUP_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The reference number of the Catalog Group.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
This table holds containment relationships between catalog entries. Examples of these relationships are Product-Item, Bundle, and Package relationships. This table should not be used for peer-to-peer catalog relationships, such as cross-sells.
Column Name Column Type Description
CATENTRY_ID_PARENT BIGINT NOT NULL The reference number of the source catalog entry in this relationship.
CATRELTYPE_ID CHAR(32) NOT NULL The type of relationship:
Foreign key to the CATRELTYPE table.
CATENTRY_ID_CHILD BIGINT NOT NULL The reference number of the target catalog entry in this relationship.
SEQUENCE DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The sequence number used to determine the display order.
QUANTITY DOUBLE A quantity that can be associated with the relationship.
GROUPNAME VARCHAR(254) Reserved for IBM internal use.
FIELD1 VARCHAR(254) Customizable.
FIELD2 INTEGER Customizable.
FIELD3 DECIMAL (20,5) Customizable.
OID VARCHAR(64) Reserved for IBM internal use.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
MANDATORY CHAR(3) Reserved for IBM internal use.
This table holds the relationship between StoreEntities and the Catalogs that they offer.
Column Name Column Type Description
CATALOG_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The reference number of the Catalog.
STOREENT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The reference number of the StoreEntity.
MASTERCATALOG CHAR(1) Specifies a master catalog for the Store. A value of 1 indicates that this Catalog is designated as a master catalog.
LASTUPDATE TIMESTAMP Indicates the last time that this relationship was updated.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
This table relates catalog groups (or categories) to the catalog entries that are inside them. You can also use this table to dictate the navigational flow from catalog groups to catalog entries. Each relationship is also qualified by a Catalog ID.
CATGROUP_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The source catalog group of this relationship.
CATALOG_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The catalog inside of which this relationship is found.
CATENTRY_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The target catalog entry of this relationship.
RULE VARCHAR(254) Reserved for IBM internal use.
SEQUENCE DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The sequence number that determines the display order of the contents of the catalog group.
LASTUPDATE TIMESTAMP Indicates the last time that this relationship was updated.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
This table hold the information related to a catalog group. A catalog group is similar to a generic category that can contain both other catalog groups and also catalog entries.
CATGROUP_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The internal reference number of the catalog group.
MEMBER_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The internal reference number that identifies the owner of the catalog group. Along with IDENTIFIER, these columns are a unique index.
IDENTIFIER VARCHAR(254) The external name that is used to identify the catalog group. Along with MEMBER_ID, these columns are a unique index.
MARKFORDELETE INTEGER NOT NULL Indicates if this catalog group has been marked for deletion:
0 = No.
1 = Yes.
LASTUPDATE TIMESTAMP Indicates the last time that this catalog group was updated.
FIELD1 VARCHAR(254) Customizable.
FIELD2 VARCHAR(254) Customizable.
OID VARCHAR(64) Reserved for IBM internal use.
RANK DOUBLE Reserved for IBM internal use.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
This tables relates catalog groups(or categories) to child catalog group (or child categories). You can use this table to dictate the navigational flow from catalog groups to child catalog groups. Each relationship is also qualified by a Catalog ID.
CATGROUP_ID_PARENT BIGINT NOT NULL The source catalog group of this relationship.
CATGROUP_ID_CHILD BIGINT NOT NULL The target catalog group of this relationship.
CATALOG_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The catalog in which this relationship is found.
RULE VARCHAR(254) Reserved for IBM internal use.
SEQUENCE DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The sequence number that determines the display order of the contents of the catalog group.
LASTUPDATE TIMESTAMP Indicates the last time that this relationship was updated.
CATALOG_ID_LINK BIGINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
This table holds the relationship between StoreEntities and the CatalogGroups that they can display and process.
Column Name Column Type Description
STOREENT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The reference number of the Store Entity.
CATGROUP_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The reference number of the Catalog Group.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
This table holds containment relationships between catalog entries. Examples of these relationships are Product-Item, Bundle, and Package relationships. This table should not be used for peer-to-peer catalog relationships, such as cross-sells.
Column Name Column Type Description
CATENTRY_ID_PARENT BIGINT NOT NULL The reference number of the source catalog entry in this relationship.
CATRELTYPE_ID CHAR(32) NOT NULL The type of relationship:
Foreign key to the CATRELTYPE table.
CATENTRY_ID_CHILD BIGINT NOT NULL The reference number of the target catalog entry in this relationship.
SEQUENCE DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The sequence number used to determine the display order.
QUANTITY DOUBLE A quantity that can be associated with the relationship.
GROUPNAME VARCHAR(254) Reserved for IBM internal use.
FIELD1 VARCHAR(254) Customizable.
FIELD2 INTEGER Customizable.
FIELD3 DECIMAL (20,5) Customizable.
OID VARCHAR(64) Reserved for IBM internal use.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
MANDATORY CHAR(3) Reserved for IBM internal use.
Monday, 20 June 2011
Access control policy for RequisitionListWriteCommands for same account users
<Policy Name="AllUsersExecuteRequisitionListWriteCommandsOnRequisitionListResource"
Saturday, 18 June 2011
How to delete a record using Access Bean in WCS
Suppose you have to delete an order item from a order and you wana to do it by using acces bean then use the following code
OrderItemAccessBean orderItemAb = new OrderItemAccessBean();
OrderItemAccessBean orderItemAb = new OrderItemAccessBean();
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How to customize java.util.logging.Logger class to write logs in separate file than System.out.log in Websphere commerce/ HCL commerce)
/** * This method updated the passed in java.util.logging.Logger object with * custom file handler to write logs data form that class ...
STORECAT This table holds the relationship between StoreEntities and the Catalogs that they offer. Column Name Column Type Descripti...
atchast atchastlg atchrel atchtgt atchtgtdsc collateral ...
Extended Site architecture diagram & solution outline In WCS Extended site model Multiple stores can exist in a single S...